懸掛單軌 Suspended Monorail
The electric power generated by the rider’s pedal rotating movements in the vehicle compartments operates the monorail, and the remaining is used for the land lighting at night, so making the park’s scene bright.
And the monorail in a park can mount various applications on it or integrate new designs to it according to the park’s design concept.
懸掛單軌 Suspended Monorail
The electric power generated by the rider’s pedal rotating movements in the vehicle compartments operates the monorail, and the remaining is used for the land lighting at night, so making the park’s scene bright.
And the monorail in a park can mount various applications on it or integrate new designs to it according to the park’s design concept.
Janssen Fritsen
Just for kids
• 體驗不同的運動動作
• 提升兒童的平衡力和洞察力
• 透過遊戲增加體能運動
• 訓練身體協調能力
• 透過克服障礙物,從而增加自信
• 通過使用各種模塊的訓練,將自己的遊戲理念付諸實踐
• 訓練和同儕的合作及溝通能力
• Experience new movements
• Develop the sense of balance and perception of their body
• Increase physical activity by playing
• Advance conditional and coordination capabilities
• Get self-confidence due to readiness for risk.
• Put own playing idea into practice by variation of modules
• Coordinate oneself with the play partners
Janssen Fritsen
Just for kids
• 體驗不同的運動動作
• 提升兒童的平衡力和洞察力
• 透過遊戲增加體能運動
• 訓練身體協調能力
• 透過克服障礙物,從而增加自信
• 通過使用各種模塊的訓練,將自己的遊戲理念付諸實踐
• 訓練和同儕的合作及溝通能力
• Experience new movements
• Develop the sense of balance and perception of their body
• Increase physical activity by playing
• Advance conditional and coordination capabilities
• Get self-confidence due to readiness for risk.
• Put own playing idea into practice by variation of modules
• Coordinate oneself with the play partners
Janssen Fritsen
迷你體操 Mini-gymnastics
Square, space-optimized base frame including Just For Kids modules mini-uneven bars, mini-parallel bars and mini-rings.
Janssen Fritsen
迷你體操 Mini-gymnastics
透過空間優化的基礎框架,使用Just for kids模塊拼合出迷你高低槓、迷你雙槓及迷你吊環的訓練場所,從而訓練兒童的體能及平衡力。
Square, space-optimized base frame including Just For Kids modules mini-uneven bars, mini-parallel bars and mini-rings.